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To view the recorded proceedings, click here. AFSA recognises that remote hearings or hybrid-remote hearings have become the norm and therefore developed a Remote Hearing Protocol in accordance with international best practice. The purpose of the Protocol is to provide guidance to parties on efficient conduct of remote hearings in respect of AFSA administered arbitrations to ensure that one party does not enjoy an advantage over the other.

The Remote Hearing Protocol is further recommended for use in institutional proceedings, ad hoc proceedings where AFSA is the appointing authority , mediation proceedings and any other proceedings under the auspices of AFSA. To access the Protocol, click here. From this date on law firms and other users are encouraged to file new requests for arbitration and mediation online.

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The online filing system, known as Matter Manager, is aimed at streamlining the submission and management of disputes referred to AFSA for resolution. To learn more about how the process works, click here. To proceed with online filing, select the online button above and enter the details in the appropriate space, being either domestic arbitration, international arbitration or mediation.

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The Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa AFSA is a private dispute resolution authority which manages and administers the confidential resolution of a wide-range of local and international disputes by way of mediation, adjudication, arbitration and related processes. AFSA is a non-profit organisation which counts amongst its founding members many of the leading firms and institutions in the attorney, accounting and advocate professions as well as organised business and affiliated bodies.

AFSA operates through its Secretariat consisting of specialised executive staff. Chinese men favor women working as primary school teachers and nurses while Chinese women prefer men in the IT or finance industry. Women in IT or finance are the least desired. Zhenai enables users to send each other digital "winks.

Men typically prefer women three years younger than they are whereas women look for men who are three years older on average. However, this changes if the man becomes exceptionally wealthy; the more money he makes the more likely he is to look for younger women. In general, people in their 20s employ the "self-service dating service" while women in their late 20s and up tend to use the matchmaking service. This is because of the social pressure in China on "leftover women," meaning those in their late 20s but still not married.

Women who prefer not to ask potentially embarrassing questions — such as whether both spouses will handle household finances, whether or not they will live with his parents, or how many children he wants to have, if any — will get a matchmaker to do it for them. Both sexes prefer matchmakers who are women. In a paper, sociologist George Yancey from the University of North Texas observed that prior research from the late s to the early s revealed that African-Americans were the least desired romantic partners compared to all other racial groups in the United States, a fact that is reflected in their relatively low interracial marriage rates.

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They were also less likely to form interracial friendships than other groups. According to data from the U. Census, 5. For his research, Yancey downloaded anonymized data of almost a thousand heterosexual individuals from Yahoo! He discovered that Internet daters felt lukewarm towards racial exogamy in general. In particular, Dating members of one's own racial group was the most popular option, at Those who were more willing to out-date than average tended to be younger men.

Education was not a predictor of willingness to out-date. This means that the higher interracial marriage rates among the highly educated were due to the fact that higher education provided more opportunities to meet people of different races. There is, however, great variation along gender lines.

In , Cynthia Feliciano, Belinda Robnett, and Golnaz Komaie from the University of California, Irvine , investigated the preferences of online daters long gendered and racial lines by selecting profiles on Yahoo! Personals — then one of the top Internet romance sites in the U. They found that consistent with prior research, including speed-dating studies, women tended to be pickier than men. In short, after opposite-sex members of their own group, white men were open to dating Asian women, and white women black men than members of other racial or ethnic groups.

At the same time, Latinos were generally favored by both white men and women willing to out-date. Feliciano, Robnett, and Komaie found that white women who described themselves as athletic, average, fit, or slim were more likely to exclude black men than those who considered themselves large, thick, or voluptuous. Body type, however, was not a predictor for white women's avoidance of Asian men, nor was it for the white men's preferences.

On the other hand, white men with a particular body type in mind were considerably more likely to exclude black women while women who preferred a particular height were slightly more likely to exclude Asian men. Women who deemed themselves very liberal or liberal were less likely than apolitical, moderate, or conservative women to exclude black men. In contrast, left-leaning white women were slightly more likely to exclude Asian men.

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Being Jewish was the perfect predictor of black exclusion. All white men and women who identified as Jewish and who had a racial preference excluded blacks, and all white Jewish women also avoided Asian men. White men with a religious preference were four times as likely to exclude black women, and white women with the same were twice as likely to exclude black men. However, religious preferences were not linked to avoiding Asians.

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Feliciano, Robnett, and Komaie found some support for this. In particular, white men's exclusion of black women was linked to the perception that black women deviate from Western idealized notions of femininity, for example by being bossy, while their favoring Asian women was likely due to the latter's portrayal in the media as "the embodiment of perfect womanhood" and "good wives.

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Therefore, all groups except white women were willing to out-date, albeit with great variations. For blacks willing to out-date, Latinos were most preferred. In , Elizabeth Bruch and M. Newman from the University of Michigan published in the journal Science Advances a study of approximately , heterosexual individuals living in New York City, Chicago, Boston and Seattle, who used a certain "popular, free online-dating service.

For a man, his desirability increased till the age of 50; for a woman, her desirability declined steeply after the age of 18 till the age of In terms of educational attainment, the more educated a man was, the more desirable he became; for a woman, however, her desirability rose up to the bachelor's degree before declining.

Bruch suggested that besides individual preferences and partner availability, this pattern may be due to the fact that by the late s, women were more likely to attend and graduate from university. Developmental psychologist Michelle Drouin, who was not involved in the study, told The New York Times this finding is in accordance with theories in psychology and sociology based on biological evolution in that youth is a sign of fertility. She added that women with advanced degrees are often viewed as more focused on their careers than family.

In half of these, the man was at least five years older. Aided by the text-analysis program Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count, Bruch and Newman discovered that men generally had lower chances of receiving a response after sending more "positively worded" messages. Therefore, studying women's replies yielded much insight into their preferences. Very few responded to the messages of people less desirable than they were.

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Keeping messages concise is well-advised. Bruch recommended sending out more greeting messages, noting that people sometimes managed to upgrade their 'league'. Michael Rosenfeld, a sociologist not involved with the study, told The Atlantic , "The idea that persistence pays off makes sense to me, as the online-dating world has a wider choice set of potential mates to choose from.

The greater choice set pays dividends to people who are willing to be persistent in trying to find a mate. See derivation of the optimal policy. However, making online contact is only the first step, and indeed, most conversations failed to birth a relationship. As two potential partners interact more and more, the superficial information available from a dating website or smartphone application becomes less important than their characters. Despite being a platform designed to be less centered on physical appearance, [37] OkCupid co-founder Christian Rudder stated in that the male OkCupid users who were rated most physically attractive by female OkCupid users received 11 times as many messages as the lowest-rated male users did, the medium-rated male users received about four times as many messages, and the one-third of female users who were rated most physically attractive by the male users received about two-thirds of all messages sent by male users.

According to University of Texas at Austin psychologist David Buss , "Apps like Tinder and OkCupid give people the impression that there are thousands or millions of potential mates out there. One dimension of this is the impact it has on men's psychology. When there is Before , most online dating services matched people according to their autobiographical information, such as interests, hobbies, future plans, among other things.